Aloha and thanks for visiting
My name is Noel Morata and I’m a freelance writer, photographer and artist living in Hawaii. A Boomer and senior traveler, I have been traveling off and on now since 1990 mostly on short and regional trips, and occasionally I take a big trip to far off destinations in Europe or Asia or Latin America. As a seasoned mature traveler, I enjoy slow travel, absorbing the local vibe and lifestyle which is perfect for my Boomer lifestye. I love to travel abroad and promote stories that I think are interesting for my audience base and my own interests. This includes: Senior travel experiences, eco and adventure travel, photography, cuisine and local foods, luxury travel and culture/history and art related topics like Unesco sites and museums. I’m also open to suggestions on where to visit – perhaps it may be your own country or region?
Pinkie selfie at Grand Teton National Park
Why do I travel?
As a mature traveler, I’ve always loved traveling to new destinations and experiencing something totally different to where I live and showing that seniors can still travel and be active in their later years. I don’t know, I guess it’s always been the attraction of seeing what’s on the other side and experiencing something different, meeting new people, trying out an unusual dish or local food, or personally discovering a new city or world heritage site for the first time.
Always being drawn to looking at things differently, I always look outside of the box – in fact I will go around a place or monument quite a few times before I take a picture or just savor the moment before I jot down something in my journal to capture just the right essence of the place and what I’m experiencing.
What do I do when not traveling?
Being a creative soul and already retired from a career, I’m drawn to my photography, writing and art. Traveling inspires and adds new dimensions and thinking to what I do and how I express myself. This creative process is something I enjoy experiencing and I hope to share new observations, discoveries and travel experiences with you.
This Boomer focused blog shares my interest and passion in travel, food, discovering new and old, street life and country pleasures and my observations from a personal viewpoint. I hope that you will enjoy some of these posts, try some of my ideas or tips and maybe go out to explore and play with your camera. If you would like to get more updates of my journey and discoveries, please subscribe to my weekly updates to get to get my blog posts by email or visit my Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest for a different perspective and live updates.
If I can help you with any photography needs, I am available for assignment work and welcome your inquiry. Currently, I specialized in travel and lifestyle, portraiture and events, landscape, commercial and product work and any special commissions. My images are available for license and most of the updated images are available on my Flickr page. Please contact me using the contact form above for any requirements covering editorial, commercial or personal commissions.
You can view my portfolio and website
My travel images, photo stock, personal work and art imagery on my Flickr page
I love to check out the craft markets in Mexico city
Check out my other websites
I do travel and lifestyle niche sites to the following locations, please do check it out if you happen to be planning an future trips to these locations:
Work with me
I would love to work with you for any photography, writing, social media or branding strategies, you can check out my Work with me page or directly by email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you and helping any way that I can.
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On occasion, I use Deposit Photos as my stock photo as a backup for pictures I didnt’ capture and can rely on their amazing imagery to fill in those missing attractions.