Gorgeous clouds over Hilo Bay

Gorgeous clouds over Hilo Bay

 Sunset Skies in Hilo, Hawaii


Late in the afternoon when the sun is ready to fall. There are no sunsets on the east side of the island, but we still get a vivid light show that works as a sunset in Hawaii with dusky to magenta colored skies late into the night. The threat of cloudy skies around the bay creates more dramatic light and colorful skies all around the bay and Hilo town. I am so enjoying the moment and taking in all the wonderful colors, patterns and visual display in front of me.


Sunset on the bay

Sunset on the bay


I never thought sunset could be interesting on the east side of the island without actually seeing the sun go down – but this is also quite magnificent to witness.



What do you think – stunning or just okay?


Sunset magic over Hilo bay and Hamakua

Sunset magic over Hilo bay and Hamakua

Stormy clouds in Hawaii

The skies are getting darker and the skies turn angry and burst with color, dark skies and clouds magnify the light into deeper hues and light up the Hilo bay,  along the Hamakua coastline and all the way uphill to the summit of Mauna Kea. It’s wonderful to enjoy the quiet and spare a few moments towards the end of the end and appreciate this sunset in Hawaii….aaaaah breath and slow down…..



Have you taken the time to look out a the views you take for granted lately? Or how about the beautiful skies or clouds up above? Take the time – its worth a few minutes of your time! Thanks for visiting today to see the Sunset Skies in Hilo, Hawaii.  If you enjoyed the post, please do share it with any of the social media buttons around the post, thank you.






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