HBO’s massive hit Game of Thrones has been filmed across Europe, but some of its most famous filming locations have been in Spain. And it’s no wonder Spain is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, so it was easy for the filmmakers to pick it as a stand-in...
When Game of Thrones was shot in Seville, Spain for season 5, the gorgeous gardens and alcazar palace in Seville were chosen to feature the amazing location for the stunning water gardens of Dorne. ( You can check out my post of Seville and the Game of Thrones post...
Hi, I'm Noel, a writer and photographer based in San Francisco and Hawaii. I write about delicious food and wine indulgences, thoughtful luxury, and adventure travel. I share camera tips and techniques while exploring new and unusual places around the world. My site explores culture and history, art and architecture, world heritage sites, exotic locals, along with nature tours and natural landscapes worldwide. Quite a mixed bag of curiosities and quirky interests, just like myself.